Tax in Chefland

Tags : codechef, math, cpp, easy

In Chefland, a tax of rupees 10 is deducted if the total income is strictly greater than rupees 100.

Given that total income is X rupees, find out how much money you get.

Input Format:

Output Format:

For each test case, output on a new line, the amount of money you get.

Examples #

Example 1:

Input :

Output :

Explanation :
Test Case 1: Your total income is 5 rupees which is less than 100 rupees. Thus, no tax would be deducted and you get 5 rupees.

Test Case 2: Your total income is 105 rupees which is greater than 100 rupees. Thus, a tax of 10 rupees would be deducted and you get 95 rupees. 

Test Case 3: Your total income is 101 rupees which is greater than 100 rupees. Thus, a tax of 10 rupees would be deducted and you get 91 rupees.	

Test Case 4: Your total income is 100 rupees which is equal to 100 rupees. Thus, no tax would be deducted and you get 100 rupees.

Constraints #

Solutions #

#include <iostream>
#include <bits/stdc++.h>
using namespace std;

typedef long long ll;
int MOD = 1e9+7;

+ Chef have to tax only when the income is above 100.
+ So amount of money the chef gets depends on the income value.
+ If income is above 100 then chef gets income-10, else the gets total income.

OUTPUT: if(X<=100) => X , else => X-100; 
int solution(int X) {
    return X<=100 ? X : X-10;

int main() {

	int T; cin >> T;
	int X;
	while(T--) {
	    cin >> X;
	    auto res = solution(X);
	    cout << res << endl;
	return 0;