Largest number with given sum

Tags : greedy, string, geeksforgeeks, cpp, easy

Geek lost the password of his super locker. He remembers the number of digits N as well as the sum S of all the digits of his password. He know that his password is the largest number of N digits that can be made with given sum S. As he is busy doing his homework, help him retrieving his password.

Your Task:

You don’t need to read input or print anything. Your task is to complete the function largestNumber() which takes 2 integers N and S as input parameters and returns the password in the form of string, else return “-1” in the form of string.

Expected Time Complexity: O(N)
Expected Auxiliary Space: O(1)

Examples #

Example 1:

N = 5, S = 12
Sum of elements is 12. Largest possible 
5 digit number is 93000 with sum 12.

Example 2:

N = 3, S = 29
There is no such three digit number 
whose sum is 29.

Constraints #

Solutions #

class Solution
    //Function to return the largest possible number of n digits
    //with sum equal to given sum.
    string largestNumber(int n, int sum) {
        // Your code here
        if(n*9 < sum) return "-1";
        string res="";
        for(int j=9;j>0;j--){
            while(sum >= j){
                res += ('0'+j);
                sum -= j;
        for(int i=res.size();i<n;i++) res += '0';
        return res;