Huffman Decoding

Tags : greedy, geeksforgeeks, cpp, easy

Given a encoded binary string and a Huffman MinHeap tree, your task is to complete the function decodeHuffmanData(), which decodes the binary encoded string and return the original string.

Note: Each node of the min heap contains 2 data members, a character and an integer to denote its frequency. The character ‘$’ is the special character used for internal nodes whose min heap node only need a integer field.

Your Task:

You dont need to read input or print anything. Complete the function decodeHuffmanData() which takes the root of the Huffman min heap tree and the encoded Binary String as input parameters and returns the decoded string

Expected Time Complexity: O(N * Log(N))
Expected Auxiliary Space: O(1)

Examples #

Example 1:

Input :
binaryString = 
Min Heap Tree =  
              /      \
            /          \
         $(8)            \
       /     \             \
    $(3)      \            $(12)
    /  \       \           /    \
B(1)    D(2)    E(5)    C(6)    A(6)


The following chart can be made from the 
given min heap tree.
character    frequency    code
    A             6        00                 
    B             1        110
    C             6        01
    D             2        111    
    E             5        10

Example 2:

Input :
binaryString =
Min Heap Tree =  
                      /        \
                    /            \
                  /                \
               $(5)                  \
             /      \                  \
            /        \                   \
         $(3)         \                  $(8)
        /    \         \                /    \
     $(2)     \         \            $(4)     \
    /   \      \         \          /   \      \
f(1)    o(1)    r(1)    g(2)    k(2)    s(2)    e(4)

Output: geeksforgeeks

The following chart can be made from the 
given min heap tree.
character    frequency    code
    f             1        0000                 
    o             1        0001
    r             1        001
    g             2        01    
    k             2        100
    s             2        101
    e             4        11

Constraints #

Solutions #

Structure of the node of Huffman tree is as
struct MinHeapNode
	char data;
	int freq;
	MinHeapNode *left, *right;

//Function to return the decoded string.
string decodeHuffmanData(struct MinHeapNode* root, string binaryString)
    // Code here
    string res = "";
    MinHeapNode *cur = root;
    for(char c: binaryString){
        if(c=='0') cur=cur->left;
        else cur=cur->right;
            res += cur->data;
            cur = root;
    return res;