Rearrange characters
Problem Statement - link #
Given a string S
such that it may contain repeated lowercase alphabets. Rearrange the characters in the string such that no two adjacent characters are same.
Your Task: You do not need to read input or print anything. Complete the function rearrangeString()
which takes string S
as input parameter and returns the string after rearrangement. If the characters are successfully rearranged then the generated output will be 1
else 0
Expected Time Complexity: O(|S| log |S|)
Expected Auxiliary Space: O(1)
Examples #
Example 1:
S = geeksforgeeks
Output: 1
Explanation: egeskerskegof can be one way of
rearranging the letters.
Example 2:
S = bbbabaaacd
Output: 1
Explanation: abababdcab can be one way of
rearranging the letters.
Constraints #
1 <= |S| <= 10^5
consists of lowercase alphabets only.
Solutions #
class Solution
//Function to rearrange the characters in a string such that
//no two adjacent characters are same.
string rearrangeString(string str)
// Your code here
int carr[26] = {0};
for(auto c: str) carr[c-'a']++;
priority_queue<pair<int,char>> pq;
for(int i=0; i<26; i++)
if(carr[i]) pq.push({carr[i],'a'+i});
str = "";
auto pre =; pq.pop();
str += pre.second;
auto cur =; pq.pop();
str += cur.second;
if(pre.first) pq.push(pre);
pre = cur;
return str;