Keypad typing
Problem Statement - link #
You are given a string S
of alphabet characters and the task is to find its matching decimal representation as on the shown keypad. Output the decimal representation corresponding to the string. For ex: if you are given “amazon
” then its corresponding decimal representation will be 262966
Your Task: Complete printNumber()
function that takes string s
and its length as parameters and returns the corresponding decimal representation of the given string as a string type. The printing is done by the driver code.
Expected Time Complexity: O(N)
Expected Auxiliary Space: O(N)
Examples #
Example 1:
S = geeksforgeeks
Output: 4335736743357
Explanation:geeksforgeeks is 4335736743357
in decimal when we type it using the given
Example 2:
S = geeksquiz
Output: 433577849
Explanation: geeksquiz is 433577849 in
decimal when we type it using the given
Constraints #
1 <=length of String ≤ 100
Solutions #
class Solution{
//Function to find matching decimal representation of a string as on the keypad.
string printNumber(string s, int n)
//code here
string no = "22233344455566677778889999";
string res = "";
for(char c: s)
res += no[c-'a'];
return res;