Pattern Search

Tags : string, geeksforgeeks, cpp, easy

Given a string S and a pattern P both of lowercase characters. The task is to check if the given pattern exists in the given string or not.

Your Task: The task is to complete the function search() which finds the pattern in the given string. The function takes pattern and string as parameters and returns either true or false. Return true if pattern exists else return false.

Expected Time Complexity: O(n+m)
Expected Auxiliary Space: O(1)

Examples #

Example 1:

S = aabaacaadaabaaabaa
P = aaba
Output: Yes
Explanation: Given pattern aaba is found
in the string at index 0.

Example 2:

S = aabaacaadaabaaabaa
P = ccda
Output: No
Explanation: Given pattern ccda doesn't
exists in the string at all.

Constraints #

Solutions #

class Solution{
    //Function to check if the given pattern exists in the given string or not.
    bool search(string pat, string txt) 
    	// Your code here
    	int j = 0;
    	for(int i=0; i<txt.size(); i++){
    	    if(txt[i] == pat[j]) j++;
    	    else { j=0; if(txt[i] == pat[j]) j++; }
    	    if(j==pat.size()) return true;
    	return false;