Number of pairs
Problem Statement - link #
Given two arrays X
and Y
of positive integers, find the number of pairs such that x^y > y^x
(raised to power of) where x
is an element from X
and y
is an element from Y
Your Task: This is a function problem. You only need to complete the function countPairs()
that takes X, Y, M, N
as parameters and returns the total number of pairs.
Expected Time Complexity: O((N+M)logN)
Expected Auxiliary Space: O(1)
Examples #
Example 1:
M = 3, X[] = [2 1 6]
N = 2, Y[] = [1 5]
Output: 3
The pairs which follow x^y > y^x are
as such: 2^1 > 1^2, 2^5 > 5^2 and 6^1 > 1^6 .
Example 2:
M = 4, X[] = [2 3 4 5]
N = 3, Y[] = [1 2 3]
Output: 5
The pairs for the given input are
2^1 > 1^2 , 3^1 > 1^3 , 3^2 > 2^3 , 4^1 > 1^4 ,
5^1 > 1^5 .
Constraints #
1 <= N,M <= 10^5
1 <= X[i],Y[i] <= 10^3
Solutions #
class Solution{
int count(int x, int Y[], int N, int exp[]){
if(x==0) return 0;
if(x==1) return exp[0];
int* i = upper_bound(Y, Y+N, x);
int res = (Y+N)-i ;
res += (exp[0] + exp[1]);
res -= (exp[3] + exp[4]);
res += exp[2];
return res;
// X[], Y[]: input arrau
// M, N: size of arrays X[] and Y[] respectively
//Function to count number of pairs such that x^y is greater than y^x.
long long countPairs(int X[], int Y[], int M, int N)
//Your code here
int exp[5] = {0};
for(int i=0; i<N; i++)
if(Y[i] < 5) exp[Y[i]]++;
sort(Y, Y+N);
long long res = 0;
for(int i=0; i<M; i++)
res += count(X[i], Y, N, exp);
return res;