Find anagrams in linked list

Tags : geeksforgeeks, linkedlist, slidingwindow, cpp, medium

Given a linked list of characters and a string S.Return all the anagrams of the string present in the given linked list.In case of overlapping anagrams choose the first anagram from left.

Your Task:

You don’t need to read input or print anything. Your task is to complete the function findAnagrams() which takes head node of the linked list and a string S as input parameters and returns an array of linked list which only stores starting point of the Anagram. If there is no anagram in the linked list,return -1.

Expected Time Complexity: O(N), where N is length of LinkedList.
Expected Auxiliary Space: O(1)

Examples #

Example 1:

Input: a -> b -> c -> a -> d -> b -> c -> a
S = bac
Output: [a -> b -> c, b -> c -> a]
Explanation: In the given linked list,
there are three anagrams: 
1. a -> b -> c -> a -> d -> b -> c -> a
2. a -> b -> c -> a -> d -> b -> c -> a
3. a -> b -> c -> a -> d -> b -> c -> a
But in 1 and 2, a -> b -> c and b -> c-> a
are ovelapping.So we take a -> b -> c as it
comes first from left.So the output is:

Example 2:

Input: a -> b -> d -> c -> a
S = bac
Output: -1 
Explanation: There is no anagrams, so output is -1

Constraints #

Solutions #

Definition for singly Link List Node
struct Node
    char data;
    Node* next;
    Node(int x) {  data = x;  next = NULL; }

You can also use the following for printing the link list.
printList(Node* node);

class Solution {
    vector<Node*> findAnagrams(struct Node* head, string s) {
        // code here

        vector<Node*> res;
        map<char, int> m1;
        for(int i = 0; i < s.size(); i++){
        struct Node* previ = NULL;
        struct Node* i = head;
        struct Node* prevj = NULL;
        struct Node* j = head;
        map<char, int> m2;
        int curr_size  = 0;
        while(j != NULL){
            if(curr_size < s.size()){
                if(j) m2[j->data]++;
                prevj = j;
                if(j) j = j->next;
                previ = i;
                if(i) i = i->next;
                if(m2[previ->data] == 0){
                prevj = j;
                if(j) j = j->next;
            if(m1 == m2){
                if(previ) previ->next = NULL;
                if(prevj) prevj->next = NULL;
                i = j;
                curr_size = 0;
        return res;