Get minimum element from stack

Tags : geeksforgeeks, stack, cpp, medium

You are given N elements and your task is to Implement a Stack in which you can get minimum element in O(1) time

Your Task:

You are required to complete the three methods push() which take one argument an integer ‘x’ to be pushed into the stack, pop() which returns a integer poped out from the stack and getMin() which returns the min element from the stack. (-1 will be returned if for pop() and getMin() the stack is empty.)

Expected Time Complexity: O(1) for all the 3 methods.
Expected Auxiliary Space: O(1) for all the 3 methods.

Examples #

Example 1:

Output: 2 1
Explanation: In the first test case for
push(2)  Insert 2 into the stack.
         The stack will be {2}
push(3)  Insert 3 into the stack.
         The stack will be {2 3}
pop()    Remove top element from stack 
         Poped element will be 3 the
         stack will be {2}
getMin() Return the minimum element
         min element will be 2 
push(1)  Insert 1 into the stack.
         The stack will be {2 1}
getMin() Return the minimum element
         min element will be 1

Constraints #

Solutions #

The structure of the class is as follows
class _stack{
stack<int> s;
int minEle;
public :
    int getMin();
    int pop();
    void push(int);

class Solution{
    int minEle;
    stack<int> s;
       /*returns min element from stack*/
       int getMin(){
           if(s.empty()) return -1;
           return minEle;
           //Write your code here
       /*returns poped element from stack*/
       int pop(){
          if(s.empty()) return -1;
           //Write your code here
           if( > 0) {
               int x =;
               return x;
           else {
               int curMin = minEle;
               minEle = minEle + abs(;
               return curMin;
       /*push element x into the stack*/
       void push(int x){
           if(s.empty()) {
               minEle = x;
           else if(minEle <= x) {
           else {
               int curMin = minEle;
               minEle = x;
               s.push(x - curMin);
           //Write your code here