Arithmetic Number
Problem Statement - link #
Given three integers ‘A’ denoting the first term of an arithmetic sequence , ‘C’ denoting the common difference of an arithmetic sequence and an integer ‘B’. you need to tell whether ‘B’ exists in the arithmetic sequence or not. Return 1 if B is present in the sequence. Otherwise, returns 0
Your Task:
You do not need to read input or print anything. Your task is to complete the function inSequence() which takes A, B and C and returns 1 if B is present in the sequence. Otherwise, returns 0.
Expected Time Complexity: O(1)
Expected Auxiliary Space: O(1)
Examples #
Example 1:
Input: A = 1, B = 3, C = 2
Output: 1
Explaination: 3 is the second term of the
sequence starting with 1 and having a common
difference 2.
Example 2:
Input: A = 1, B = 2, C = 3
Output: 0
Explaination: 2 is not present in the sequence.1 → 15 → 20
2 → 13 → 19
The nearest prime of 1 is 2.
The nearest primes of 15 are 13 and 17,
since 13 is smaller so, 13 will be chosen.
The nearest prime of 20 is 19.
Constraints #
-10^9 ≤ A, B, C ≤ 10^9
Solutions #
class Solution{
int inSequence(int A, int B, int C){
// code here
if(A > B && C > 0) {
return 0;
if(A < B && C < 0) {
return 0;
if(C == 0) {
return A == B;
return (B - A) % C == 0;