Fix Names in a Table

Tags : mysql, sql, leetcode, easy

SQL Schema

Create table If Not Exists Users (user_id int, name varchar(40))
Truncate table Users
insert into Users (user_id, name) values ('1', 'aLice')
insert into Users (user_id, name) values ('2', 'bOB')

Table: Users

| Column Name    | Type    |
| user_id        | int     |
| name           | varchar |
user_id is the primary key for this table.
This table contains the ID and the name of the user. The name consists of only lowercase and uppercase characters.

Your Task:

Write an SQL query to fix the names so that only the first character is uppercase and the rest are lowercase.

Return the result table ordered by user_id.

The query result format is in the following example.

Example #

Users table:
| user_id | name  |
| 1       | aLice |
| 2       | bOB   |
| user_id | name  |
| 1       | Alice |
| 2       | Bob   |

Solutions #

-- Write your T-SQL query statement below
select user_id, concat(upper(substr(name,1,1)), lower(substr(name,2))) as name from users order by user_id;