Separate chaining in Hashing
Problem Statement - link #
Separate chaining technique in hashing allows to us to use a linked list at each hash slot to handle the problem of collisions. That is, every slot of the hash table is a linked list, so whenever a collision occurs, the element can be appened as a node to the linked list at the slot.
In this question, we’ll learn how to fill up the hash table using Separate chaining technique. Given an array and a hashtable size, you have to fill the elements of the array into a hash table of given size.
Your Task: This is a function problem. You need to complete the function separateChaining that takes hashSize
, arr
, and sizeOfArr
as parameters, inserts elements of arr in the hashTable at positions by using arr[i]%hashSize
and then returns the has table. The printing is done automatically by the driver code.
Expected Time Complexity: O(n)
Expected Auxiliary Space: O(n)
Examples #
Example 1:
hashSize = 10
sizeOfArray = 6
arr[] = {92,4,14,24,44,91}
Explanation: 92%10=2 so 92 goes to slot 2.
4%10=4 so 4 goes to slot 4. 14%10=4. But 4
is already occupied so we make a linked
list at this position and add 14 after 4
in slot 4 and so on.
Example 2:
hashSize = 10
sizeOfArray = 5
arr[] = {12,45,36,87,11}
Explanation: 12%10=2 so 12 goes to slot 2.
45%10=5 goes to slot 5. 36%10=6 goes to
slot 6. 87%10=7 goes to slot 7 and finally
11%10=1 goes to slot 1.
Constraints #
2 <= hashSize <= 10^3
1 <= sizeOfArray <= 10^3
0 <= arr[i] <= 10^7
Solutions #
class Solution{
//Complete this function
//Function to insert elements of array in the hashTable avoiding collisions.
vector<vector<int>> separateChaining(int hashSize,int arr[],int sizeOfArray)
//Your code here
vector<vector<int>> hashTable(hashSize);
for(int i=0; i<sizeOfArray ; i++){
int key = arr[i]%hashSize ;
return hashTable;